Organizing an event or function? Whether it’s a small or large event, the safety of your customers and staff is our main priority at all times. We secure your event from 4 main areas:
- Front door security
- Commencing metal detector body and bag checks on all guests
- Preventing any illicit drugs or harmful weapons entering the event
- Gate Perimeters
- Guards are spread across the full permitter of the event to prevent any people jumping over the fence and sneaking in, or sneaking in drugs, alcohol or weapons.
- Front Stage
- We understand when there is hundreds or thousands of people excited with some alcohol consumption. It can lead to hazardous situations and that’s why we have a line of large strong security officers at the front of the stage facing towards the crowd, preventing any stage crashers to protect the performer stage and expensive equipment.
- Toilets and fire exits
- Toilets and fire exits are notorious for suspicious activity at events, so we place a guard at toilets and fire exits to make sure toilets are only used for their intended purpose, and fire exits are kept clear and constantly checked for the event of an emergency evacuation.
Fire or emergency evacuation plans are held at the briefing prior to the start of the event which all security guards are to attend. A safe and secure environment is maintained at all times to ensure the day is a memorable and joyful day for the guests.